Saturday, August 30, 2008 ♥
- Watched 4bia, it was superb but BF hates horror movies in cinemas.
- $10 note miraculously appeared in my wallet.
- End of exams, I'm goddamn happy.
- Start of SIP soon and I'm not a wee bit excited.
- Thought of having a 9-5 job can kill.
- I need to start saving.
- I am going broke.
- A new month's starting soon.
- I can start pressing money out of my BF's tummy. Okay, this is mean.
- I am still considering whether I wanna go for that chalet.
- I'm in my anti social mode.
- I wanna mahjong. (Honey, Chanel's in bkk.)
- My girl got so-so results and I'm not pleased, except for Maths.
- I am gonna start being a couch potato.
- I shall make Sweet Chilli Abalone Salad tmr to curb my craving.
- I need to pray my mom doesn't find out that my dad gave me extra money and one of that many cans of abalone is gone.
- Can some secret lover please transfer me some money, POSB SAVINGS 228-12319-6. THANK YOU.
- That was crap.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008 ♥

I can feel my brain trying to spill out of my skull. It's like overloaded with information that I can't digest nor understand. Okay, last paper in 5 hours time. I can do this. I fucking need a rest and I'm falling sick. I can feel it coming. ): How the fuck am I supposed to wake up for a 9.30am paper.
Was reading through my old posts. Other than enjoying being a workaholic, my life sucked. Okay, at least, the guys in my life sucked. Alright, this is gonna sound very thick skinned but I've gotta say this cos it's like, happening to me recently, more than once.
What's the point of regret boys? You guys wouldn't expect me to give up my almost perfect life and risk my heart being broken by you people again right? Can't you people learn to cherish before you lose something and not regret it like after so long. It's quite sad that a could-be-so-wonderfully-sweet relationship is gone cos' of you people. When all the hopes and feelings were there, you guys crushed it with your bare hands. I'll forgive but I will never forget. We can be friends, yes. But a couple, don't even try. Don't ever treat the next girl this way EVER. I WARN YOU GUYS.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008 ♥
Yes, I know it's 4 am and like wtf am I doing here. Yes, I know I'm supposed to study but hey, I cleared 10 out of 13 lectures in like 5 hours of hardcore studying and my blog is dying so I'm here to revive it, so give me a break yo. Okay, that was long. Last paper on Wednesday, everyone pray for me!
Went to Hariz's gig last Saturday, but photos are in my camera and I'm too lazy to upload them now. So I only have sucky photos from my phone taken while post-gig-clubbing.
Balloon BF.

Remember to pray for me ah!
Monday, August 18, 2008 ♥
My dear BF came over early Saturday afternoon when I'm still deep asleep. Brought me out to Crystal Jade and ate with a whole group of Cantonese aunties and uncles whom swarmed the whole restaurant.
And he climbed .........
My BF is a sleepyhead/he has small eyes. (your choice)

Sunday, August 03, 2008 ♥
The way you casually put your arms around me.
The way you try your best to figure out the best thing to say to make me feel better although I feel like it's the worst that you could ever say.
The way you hold me close when I'm cold.
The way you look at me when I'm mad and all anger melts away.
The way you hold me and touch me so gently like I'll break into pieces.
The way you open your arms to me when you see my tears flowing.
The way you try not to think of how afraid you are of losing me.
The way you think you're my big protector when I think I'm yours.
The way you remember our special moments or dates even though I think you'll forget.
The way you still hug me when you're all sweaty and stinky.
The way you run your fingers through my hair.
The way you get frustrated cos' you can't make my problems go away.
The way you're more than willing to wait for years.
The way you say you're gonna quit smoking when I said I would when the time comes.
The way you wanna be the best dad and hubby.
The way you make me feel by passing me your ATM card.
The way you make me a tai tai that enjoys life to the fullest.
The way you want to take care of me in every way possible.
The way you make me love you through and through.
Regardless of how much I love you or hate you, wish that you would die or know that I'll die without you, it matters not. Because once in my life, whatever you are to the whole world, you become everything to me. When I look into your eyes, sink into the depths of your soul and tell you a million things without a trace of sound, I know that my own life is consumed within the rhythmic beatings of your heart. I love you for a million reasons, nothing can pen them down. It's a thing, a feeling that can only be felt.
It's just like a soul inhabiting two separate bodies.
I want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life
Oh just to be with you is having the best day of my life