Sunday, July 13, 2008 ♥
It's 5.30am and here I am, blogging. I'M SUPER BORED. Gosh, my caffeine can't work on me. I'm gonna fall asleep soon. Had to rush CPA assignment when I don't know what the fuck is going on in school. My back is hurting and that sucks.
Went to Supreme Court yesterday and went over to Harry's for a drink with Jo, Oonah and Winston. They left after awhile and I lingered on with Richard. This 2 metres plusplus angmoh and I always feel like a rat talking to him. I had to stand on a ledge in my 3 inch heels before reaching his chin. At the end of 2 hours or so, I had 3 pint of Killkenny's and 4 Asahi's. I think.
Met up with BF after that and went for our dinner. That's like, the end of my Friday.
BF came over today and we went over to my Mom's new office before having dinner together with my parents. Went for billiard after that. That's like, the end of my Saturday. I may seem to have a boring life. But hey, clubbing and wasting time away instead of spending quality time, very happening MEH?
I think BF Jeff should smile more. He looks cuter like that.


- You're jealous of our relationship.
- You hate intimacy.
- You've diabetes.
- OR IF, JUST IF. You're secretly in love with me. :D

P.S: He said his drawing super nice. But hor, VERY NICE MEH. KNN, WHY I GOT DOUBLE CHIN ONE.
Thursday, July 10, 2008 ♥
No school today. HAHAHAHAHA!
Went for my dental appointment at Chinatown and got screwed deep till it got so sensitive. Okay fuck, it hurts. It ended kinda early and no way am I going home at such a time. So, I went shopping alone. At Chinatown's OG cos' I'm too lazy to travel anywhere else.
Bought boxers and facial wash for BF. It took me a super long time to choose a nice boxers. Why all look so Ah Pek / overly funky?! Can't they produce more neutral boxers?!
Okay, I dunno what to do that's why I'm here to blog cos' my BF's NOT HOME! ):
Please parade around the house in the boxers that I bought okay. You can try adding suspenders and then act sexy. I think that will make me roll on the bed and laugh hardcore.
I'm gonna throw away most of your boxers. Especially those with holes or given by someone else. YOU DIE.
Monday, July 07, 2008 ♥
Wore my old specs today. Think they look funkier than my new ones. My new ones are like so ... corporate.
You people can never guess where I'm blogging from. I'm like at this open space near Hougang Green. Then you guys will think what the fuck am I doing, using laptop at some open space, looking at aunties doing Taiji. Thanks to my darling Xueli la. She is desperate for a power plug and there's no power plugs in the vicinity and those guys at Mac REFUSES to get their asses off their seats even after hours.
And my super sharp eye spotted these power plugs randomly while we were sitting at some AhPek Corner smoking. So, we ended up here. In the middle of nowhere.
Okay, I need to go pee and I think Xueli is gonna use the power plug when I'm gone. So yeah, shall update again soon.
clare likes to bring me to places full of mud and make the soles of my slippers clogged with mud. and because of that i am very angry w her. but luckily, she managed to find a plug around due to her superwoman abilities, i have decided to love her all the same!!! WEEEEEEEEEEE
Sunday, July 06, 2008 ♥
So yes, there goes my Saturday. Swam, nua-ed at Karen's. Left around 10pm when she went out like around 9pm. Met BF for dinner, billiard then home sweet home. Total moodless.
Ugh, I hate this feeling of not knowing what to do now. Wanna sleep but can't sleep. Fucking need something to kill my time or make me sleep. But I'll wake up feeling fucking useless cos' I've been sleeping alot. Fucking think I'm wasting alot of time in my life. But sometimes I've so much time I don't know what to do.
What is life man? Fuck.
I need some new books. They kill time. They are interesting. They are the best alternative if I wanna lie on my bed but not use my laptop. They are small and light (even if they are the huge ass thick-as-harry-potter kind) and convenient to bring around. I can nua on my sofa with them. I can shit while reading them. They can keep me company if my BF is asleep or not around. Okay, I need new books. Serious case. Someone, meet me and pass me all your nice books.
P.S: Hahaha, Xueli you this sucka. And I thought you would be so self-disciplined and studied. I miss you and your nonsense. ):
P.P.S: My throat is so itchy I'm coughing like one fuck and I'm so annoyed by it. Shall go back to Dunhill Frost soon.
P.P.P.S: I've a fucking bad tummy and I lao sai-ed for I dunno how more than a week. Fuck. I'm like the toiletbowl warmer at home.
Saturday, July 05, 2008 ♥
Wake up wake up wake up. BF, you so gotta wake up. I have so much to complain about.
- Fuck, I'm like so bored at home.
- I've watched E! entertainment for goodness knows how long.
- I slept for 16 freaking hours and I can't sleep anymore.
- I wanna go out but I don't know where to go.
- Xueli is gonna mug overnight at airport. She's fucking hardcore. Crazy woman she is. The best part is, how the fuck am I gonna join her. I'll prolly start playing CS or DOTA on my laptop overnight.
- I regret watching TV and not bathing and prepare to go out with my parents. I should have gone. At least I'll have something to do and stuff to buy while walking along Orchard Road.
- Saturdays are fucking boring I tell you.
- Okay, now my beloved cousie just dated me out. Out for what! SWIMMING. So there goes my Saturday.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008 ♥
Super suay day yesterday. Woke up at 11am when lecture is at 12pm. In supersonic speed, I smoked, bathed, waxed legs, make up, dressed up for school. Called a cab and reached school at 11.50am. Got back my results for Civil Procedure. It was like fuck. Don't bother talking about it. There's no way I'm gonna pass Advanced Civil Procedure. So I'm like gonna appeal soon. Finished lecture and realised at 2pm that I don't have my necessary stuff in my Civil Procedure file and my lab is at 3pm.
So, I cabbed home to get my stuff and the uncle refused to wait for me downstairs. I got my stuff within 5 mins of 'digging' through that pile of papers. Went downstairs to catch another cab back to school. TMD, IF THAT UNCLE WAITED FOR ME I DON'T FREAKING HAVE TO WASTE ANOTHER 3 BUCKS FOR A NEW RIDE. Goddamnit.
Tummy is giving me problems again. ):
Clare and Jo walking in front, Jo started singing to the tune of "Tell me the meaning of being lonely"
Namchuin tagging along behind: "Jo, you going back to the 80's?"
Jo heard: "So, you going back, ladies?"
So she answered: "No, we're going opposite school to eat."
Clare gave Jo the "HAHA wtf" face while calling my BF.
Jo: "WHAT?!" with a semi smug look cos' she don't understand what was so funny about it.
School is super interesting. School for Clare consists 80% of Jo. (READ THIS. MISSY JO)