I'm at BF's and I'm bored. I've got nothing to do after sewing his name onto the towels that we bought from Ikea. Stress is an irritating thing to me these days. It brings forth nonsensical thoughts that I hate. It makes everyone down and cranky for nothing. Damn. LIFE is not "Life Is For Enjoyment". I came to this new conclusion that "Life Is Fucking Everyone". Blogger doesn't allow me to upload my pictures and I don't know why. Okay, his family is very noisy. (EDITTED) BUT I LIKE. HAHAHAHA. And I'm in the middle of the living room. It's weird.
I'm in class now and I'm blogging just beside my beloved Jo Eng. Lecturer is talking about some flexible wage system and bonus. I'm not absorbing anything cos' I'm so drained. Menstrual cramps are draining me of my energy level. It's like I need some mana potion or something for my full speed regeneration. Gosh, now I'm so stone till I'm spouting nonsense.
Spent half of my morning trying to wake BF up. Gave up calling his mobile in the end. Asked his mama to wake him up instead. She's forever his best alarm clock, other than me, that is. Yeah, I'm like heading to Ikea later for some Swedish Meatballs and furniture shopping with BF. Damn, I feel like crap after 3 hours of sleep.
Someone, pass me a mana potion.
Expired photos.
Jo says I haven't been blogging. Alright, I've been busy with school and work and my boyfriend and my darlings Jo and Xueli. That's about my life. There's nothing much to do these days and I'm not complaining. At least there's nothing to affect my daily mood adversely. I'm relatively hanging out with Xueli and not to forget, Jo.
It's amazing how close friends can really keep quiet when they are beside each other yet not feel a sense of awkwardness. If friends needs words or activities or simple noises to fill up the gap between them, then what's the point of saying how close or how important we are to each other. Cos' they're all just lies.
Don't ask me how I spent my birthday, cos' I didn't celebrate it. Just had a simple night out with BF.
Anyway, I've been working for Carlsberg's Euro2008 promotion. I want the jersey top luh. ):
So that's what people think makes a good relationship. Living and doing things to make the other one happy. Maybe they ain't so right afterall. What's the point of doing all that when you ain't that happy yourself. It's a big fat lie when they say they will be happy doing things to make the other one happy. In long run, you're fucking torturing yourself. And if the other one just enjoys receiving, then he/she don't even love you.
I feel so snooked. It pains my heart to talk over the phone like that. It pains me to voice some stuff out. I so want to talk face to face instead. Maybe so I could have hugged you and cry or I could just shut up and stick my cheek on your chest.
I need my night caps.
Lo and behold! Here comes the long awaited post. These pictures were taken long time ago. During Law Welcome 08/09.
That's my darling partner Kannan shuffling and dancing in the LT. It's not that I didn't join him. It's just that I wasn't caught on camera. AND. He's going NS soon. I promise to meet you up soon partner. Loveloves.

And I think my Dad looks like a huggable bear in this picture.
Yam Seng time.

Sometimes, we'll need to step out of the situation before being clear what we've got ourselves into. And most of the times, we realize that we got ourselves landed in a whole load of crap and nonsense. I'm not talking about Jeff by the way. To whoever is interested, I'm super contented with him. Serious. So be jealous or whatsoever, that's your problem.
I thought I could let time heal all wounds. But I realise that the problem doesn't lie with me being together with Jeff. It lies with you yourself. And the problem with you is, you refuse to let yourself realise or even have the slightest thought, that the whole fucking problem is you. Being stubborn gets you nowhere and I don't even see a need to meet up and talk anymore. There's no point talking when things don't get into your head.
Whatever it is, I've given up hope. If you ever realise, for the last 2 months that we've been close, I've been the one searching high and low for you when your phone is off and you're missing. I'm the one who fucking cried with you when you wanna cry. There were so many things that I've done. Anyone around us can see by themselves, I don't have a need to post every single thing I've done for you. If your memory never failed you, go think it through. In short, I've fucking given up on our friendship.
So goodbye, take care and all the best with all your so called superb friends. I've friends who appreciate me more and I don't even have to act like a clown in front of them.
Photos and stuff will be up soon when I'm not so busy. Had loads of fun in Malaysia, hardcore clubbing for 2 nights straight was superb with my cousins and it cured my week old constipation. Wedding was great there, drinks were great there, clubbing was great there, cousins were great there, shopping wasn't that great but at least I got something for my Honeybun. Finally, a relaxed life without stress over specific stuff.
---- here ---- there, fucking piece of shit. From BF: Life's like shitting, when it has to come out, it has to come out. When some stuff have to go, I've gotta fucking let them go. If not I'll die from constipation or whatsoever. Get piles or poisoning due to too much shit in my life. PFFFT. Fuck off and die.