Hello everybody, I'm bored and tired yet high at the same time. BF's in the shower now and I don't know what else to do while waiting for him so I'm here. WEETS. Went to M'sia for some tomb sweeping thing on Saturday. I was forced there, so yeah. The whole trip only lasted 13 hours. Drove there at 3am and got back around 4am. Traffic from the other side of the road looks horrible when we got back. Why the hell would Mas Selamat travel at such peak periods if he's in the right state of mind?! Gosh.
Took some pictures there cos' I'm so fascinated by the vast amount of land/mountains dedicated to be filled up with dead bodies. YES, I'M GOING TO KFC NOW COS' BF IS OUT. I HEARD HIS TOILET DOOR OPEN AND NOW HE'S BEHIND ME. I'M DAMN HIGH.
GOODBYE and I'm not talking sense. I KNOW.
Everytime I think about those times it breaks my heart and fills my eyes. Now I just hate myself for bothering about you and your life. It's like whatever that is said to me is superficial and said for the sake of saying. I'm gonna continue indulging in my kickass superb cabernet sauvignon and merlot and not give a fuck over whatever that is happening to those who don't have me in their eyes, hoping it will allow me to have a good sleep and chase my insomnia away. That was a long sentence. Maybe I'll opt for some early morning jogging if my first option don't work out. Bye world. You're hated by me for now.

Through these 2 months or so, I've learnt not to care. There ain't no point. It's not worth it.
I'm getting naggier day by day. I think being sick makes me ponder over endless stuff while I'm lying on my bed trying to get some sleep, yet distracted by the pain. I've so much to say yet I don't know where to start.
I love my boyfriend. I never understood how I can never fail to miss his presence though we just left each other for a few minutes. The one that haunts my mind everytime I try to fall asleep. I never managed to get rid of him. It's annoying yet I like it. I love everything about him. Like, simply everything. Every lil inch of his physical being, from his almost hairless legs to that pair of hands that cups my chin and the side of my face so perfectly. It's almost magical whenever he holds my face that way.
How wonderful it is to have someone around to hold onto you when you feel all weak and helpless. It sucks being a sick cat and I'm so grateful I've Jeff around. It's wonderful to have someone kiss every inch of my face hoping my pain will go away. It's wonderful to have someone hugging me so tightly from the back and kissing my back non-stop when my tears flowed endlessly while I curled up in agony. It's wonderful to rest my cold cheeks on his warm hands that very moment. I knew even if I faint at that very moment, he'll be around.
Thank you Honey, for always being one call away, for making feel safe when I'm at my weakest. I felt so bad when I looked into your eyes that day. I know I caused you heartache and I caused you to be worried but the pain was unbearable. I could see that flicker of panic in your eyes no matter how you try your best to keep it from me. I'm sorry love. Thanks for not sleeping and rushing me to the doc's at the fastest speed possible. I don't want to be too naggy here, shall do it privately instead. (:
I love you BF.
I'm so not in the mood to mug anymore. And I have no idea why. I know it shouldn't be like that. But what should it be? I don't know what's got over me. This is not what I want but what the hell do I want?
Oh fuck. Maybe I went overboard. It's time for some reflection.
Went for a lil getaway with BF. While waiting for the ferry.
Poor tummies were rumbling once we reached there. So we went to have a meal.
" You often meet your destiny on the road you've taken to avoid it. "
How true. Went to watch Leap Years with BF just now and this quote really got me. Strolled around and sat outside AMK Mrt station, staring into space, appreciating each other's presence. Started chatting and thought of how we used to be months back. It's true when he reminded me that many things in life are unexpected.
I used to ask God for a relationship that I've always dreamt of. I used to ask for the kinda perfect boyfriend every girl wishes for. Until a point in time, I stopped asking. I never dared nor wanted to ask for anything more. I didn't want to love or get myself tangled in those complicated situations. Then the unexpected happened and we all knew what it was. The irony is that I've never even asked for it. (:
Through our journey in love, we should have come to realize that what's meant to be will find a way. There's no point in asking for too much or trying too hard to look for that other half. Don't be afraid to be alone nor hurry in such stuff. As the Chinese always say, "More haste, less speed." So good luck people, especially WS. Always emo over such stuff. (:
Capturing memories, taking pictures without a camera. Taking in the frame in front of me, your silhouette at the corner of my eye, the feelings between us that only both of us can understand. My favourite picture is that of you in your dark green polo tee with that nervous expression streaked across your face. It's a lil secret between the both of us and those close to us. Now you know why I dig strolling along the streets in the middle of the night hands in hands.
Yes BF I agree with you. It's great to be in love, with you.
Hello. I was super duper bored and cranky last night. Wahahahaha. I'm sorry people for the outrageous use of vulgarities. Celebrated Daddy's bday yesterday. Woke up in the afternoon and drove down to Toa Payoh to get groceries for Daddy's cake. I hate the rain, had to drive through flood and I'm damn angry. Went home and baked Strawberry Blackforest for Dad.

I love you Daddy. (: Drove down to Jalan Besar for some simple dinner. I totally dig this Hokkien Mee.Then drove home and started to rot. I got sooooooooooo bored I nearly died.
That explains. And I randomly found a photo that I've taken a year back.
Pretty RIGHT?!?!?!??!?! HAHAHAHHAHA. And I found a photo of my Mom and Dad while they were 'Pak Tor-ing'
They look damn cute in shades. And I think I look alot like my Mom. OH HELLO COUSIE IF YOU'RE READING MY BLOG. LOOK AT YOUR BLOODY GREEDY FACE STARING AT MY BIRTHDAY CAKE WHEN I WAS 2. YOU'VE BEEN AIMING MY FOOD SINCE YOUNG AND YOU THINK I DIDN'T KNOW!? Okay sorry, I'm bored. Hahahahahahahahahahaha.
And I know I'm super fat. And BF can't stop laughing at my baby photos. VERY FUNNY MEH?!
Didn't go anywhere today. Met up with BF and went grocery shopping while deciding what to cook for dinner. Randomly walked past pineapples and he thought of pineapple rice. So pineapple rice it was. Got whatever we needed and headed home to cook. I cooked the pineapple rice while he got busy with his mashed potatoes. Had dinner and went for late night badminton at 11.30pm. Headed home after that cos' I feel damn sticky and I couldn't take it anymore. Woots. I love you BF, we're such healthy, homely creatures these days.
You know I'm always here no matter what aite. Go read whatever I've said to you on MSN. I'm always around to lend you my shoulder, talk to you, listen to your complains. I'm kinda happy actually that I'm still the one you called. I don't care how many BABYs, GFs or whatever you have. You're still my one and only BABY aite. (: LOVES AND LICKS
I'm so so so so fucking fucking fucking fucking pissed at I don't know what and I'm so fucking fucking effing angry. FUCK. Fucking crankiness. I don't like. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. There's nothing around me to let me vent my anger on. Fuck fuck fuck. ftw.
It's been a long time since I've spent a quiet holiday without drinking or clubbing or anything of that sort. I've been spending time, almost all my time with my beloved and everyday's enjoyable. We've been taking turns going to each other's cribs to chillax and spent our time decomposing into each other's arms on our sofas.
Some expired photos of me before the CNY haircut.

That's BF at Maxwell Market's Hum Jing Peng stall. Before his haircut too.