Chanel: "Clare we take picture!"

This picture brings back sad memories. I mean, Jeff aka Lum Kok, I didn't expect you to break my heart that night. Serious ~
Clare: "Jeff we take picture!"
Jeff: *takes a step to his right* "Eeee, siao."
Flaming Lambo & part of my friend, BOB.

(Ok, this is super cock)

On the way to PARTTTAYEEE.Girls' POWER
Super happy bro with Chanel, Mandy, Me and CaiFeng.
I really have no idea what Willie is laughing at.
Very obviously, we are GONE.
Beloved LOVERgf
Lovely. Perfect.
Okay, I'm not revealing how drunk I got to the whole world. But it was the 1st ever time I got drunk in a club. Seriously, the feeling's damn fucked up. DAMN.
I still managed to wake up at 8am and prepare breakfast for my lovelies. Creamy smoked chicken spaghetti with FRENCH BEANS, medium rare salmon. woohoo. But I think it's substandard cos' I was hangover-ed. Pffft. Not happy.
Clare is damn busy now. There's like loads of stuff to do. School events, exams are coming in a week's time, Christmas party planning. Most importantly, Mandy's Bday Party. I'm the main party planner. Whoever wanna volunteer and join the planning and organising team, please ring me up. (: There are tons of stuff to do. But first, you all must swear upon your parents life never to reveal anything to Mandy no matter how much she "PLEASE" you.
*Points at LOVERgf and laugh.* HAHAHAHAHA. NEH NEE NEH NEE POO POO ~
Clare after 5 seconds: "I think we at the wrong cinema."
- Mandy RUNS out -
3/5 Gore
5/5 Storyline

Jamie Foxx is the man. Cool leader.Jennifer Garner's the sex. I would go on all fours and admire any woman on Earth who can fight as well as she did in the movie. I swear~
I especially loved the ending. The starting was kind of a turn off for some girls though. All the old pictures and explaining the ties between the 2 countries. But overall, it was good.
4/5 Love crap and yada-yada
5/5 Comedy
3/5 Storyline
The wallpaper for Enchanted,
I seriously thinks James Marsden (Prince Edward) is cute. I mean, REALLY!
But my beloved bro thinks that Patrick Dempsey (Robert) is better! I love his, "OH NO, she is gonna sing AGAIN! expression"
The main actress, Amy Adams (Princess Giselle). I wanna have animals to do stuff for me also!Especially when the animals are soooo cute.
I did not quite like the ending. It was kinda lame. Not taking the ending part to the consideration, I would rate this movie full marks. It's really really nice. (:
Anyway, we did alot of stupid stuff in Daiso. AND I need to sleep. Gdnights ppl~ shall upload stupid pics next time.
Love you guys.
PSP addiction! This is madness lah.

I think my emotions are abit lagged. The feeling of it ripping apart only comes now. I have no idea why I can't sleep and I can't stop thinking. I had to wake up and play Solitaire or something to stop myself from thinking. I feel bad and all. But why should I?
I hate how much I love you
I hate how much I need you
I hate how much I love you boy
But I just can't let you go
And I hate how much I love you so
One of these days maybe your magic won't affect me
And your kiss won't make me weak
But no one in this world knows me the way you know me
So you'll probably always have a spell on me...
I love you beyond the reason why.
Something I'll like to share. Enjoy (:
The reason I'm called tree is because I'm good at painting trees. Overtime I start to use a tree on the right hand corner as a trademark for all my watercolors painting. I have dated 5 gals when I was in Pre-U. There's one gal who I love a lot but never dare go after her. She doesn't have a pretty face, doesn't have a good figure, doesn't have outstanding charm. She is just a very ordinary gal.
I like her. I really like her. Like her innocent, like her frankness. Like her cuteness, like her intelligence and her fragility. Reason for not going after her is because I felt somebody so ordinary like her is not a good match for me. I'm also afraid that after we are together all the good feelings will vanish. I'm also afraid other's gossips will hurt her. I felt that if she's my gal, she will be mine ultimately & I don't have to give up everything just for her. The last reason, made her accompany me for 3 years. She watch me chase after gals, and I have make her heart cry for 3 years.
She wants to be a good actress and I'm a very demanding director. When I kissed my 2nd girlfriend, she bumped into us. She was embarrassed but smile & say "Go on!" before running off. The next day, her eyes was swollen like a walnut. I purposely didn't want to think about what causes her to cry but laugh at her the whole day. When everybody go back home, she was alone crying in the classroom. She didn't know that I returned from soccer training to get something. I watch her cry for an hour or so.
My 4th girlfriend didn't like her. There was once when both of them quarreled. I know that based on her character she's not the type that will start off the quarrel. But I still sided with my girlfriend. I shouted at her and her eyes was filled shocked. I didn't care about her feelings and walked off with my girlfriend. The next day, she still laugh & joke with me like nothing has ever happened. I know that she's very hurt but she didn't know that my heart ache is as bad as hers.
When I broke up with my 5th girlfriend, I asked her out. After going out for a day, I told her that I have something to tell her. She told me that coincidentally, she has something to tell me too. I told her about my break up and she told me about her getting together. I know whose the guy. He has been going after her for quite a while. A very cute guy full of energy, lively and interesting. His pursuit for her has been the talk of the school.
I can't show her my heart ache but could only smile & congratulate her. When I reach home, the heart ache is so strong that I can't stand it. It's like a heavy weighted stone on my chest. I couldn't breath. Wanted to shout but can't. Tears rolled down & I broke down & cry. How many times have I seen her cry for the man that doesn't acknowledge her presence too.
During graduation, I read a sms in my hp. It was send 10 days ago when I broke down and cry. I haven't read it since then. It says "Leaf departure is because of Wind pursuit. Or because Tree didn't ask her to stay"
During Pre-U days, I like to collect leaves. Why? Because I felt that for a leaf to leave the tree she has been relying on for so long it takes a lot of courage. During the 3 years of Pre-U I was on very close terms with a guy. Not BGR kind but as buddy kind. But when he had his 1st girlfriend, I learnt a feeling I never should have learnt - Jealousy. The sourness in the heart can't be describe by using a lemon. It's like 100 rotten sour lemon. Sourness to the extreme limit. They were only together for 2 mths. When they broke up, I hide my strong sense of happiness. But after a mth, he got together with another gal.
I like him & I know he like me. But why won't he pursue me? Since he love me why he doesn't want to make the first move? Whenever he had a new girlfriend, my heart would hurt. Time after time, my heart was hurt. I begin to suspect that this is a one sided love. If he don't like he, why does he treat me so well. It's beyond what you will normally do for a friend. Liking a person is very heart wrenching. I can know his likes, his habits. But his feelings towards me I can never figure out. You can't expect me a gal to ask him right?
Despite that, I still want to be by his side. Care for him, accompany him, love him. Hoping that one fine day, he will come & love me. It's like waiting for his phone call every night, wanting him to send me sms. I know that no matter how busy he is, he will make time for me. Because of this, I waited for him. The 3 years were the hardest to go through & I really want to give up. Sometimes, I wonder should I continue waiting. The pain and hurt, the dilemma accompany me for 3 years.
Till the end of my 3rd year, a 2nd year junior begins to go after me. Everyday he pursuit me relentlessly. From outright rejection to a point in time when I felt that I'm willing to let him have a small footing in my heart. He's like a warm & gentle wind, trying to blow a leaf away from the tree. In the end, I realized that I didn't want to give this wind a small footing in my heart. I know this wind will bring this badly battered leave far away & better land. Finally I left tree, but the tree only smile & didn't ask me to stay. Leaf departure is because of Wind pursuit. Or because Tree didn't ask her to stay
Because I like a gal called leaf. Because she's so dependent on tree so I have to be a gust wind. A wind that will blow her away. When I first met her, it was 1 mth after I transfer to the new school. I saw a petite person looking at my seniors & me playing soccer. During ECA time, she will always be sitting there. Be it alone or with her friends looking at him. When he talks with gals there's jealousy in her eyes. When he looked at her, there's a smile in her eyes. Looking at her became my habit. Just like she likes to look at him.
One day, she didn't appear. I felt something amissed. I can't explain the feeling except it's a kind of uneasiness. The senior was also not there as well. I went to their classroom, hid outside and saw my senior scolding her. Tears were in her eyes while he left. The next day, I saw her at her usual place, looking at him. I walked over and smiled to her. Took out a note & gave to her. She was surprised. She looked at me, smiled & accept the note. The next day, she appeared & pass me a note and left.
Leaf's heart is too heavy and wind couldn't blow her away
It's not that leaf heart is too heavy. It because leaf never want to leave tree.
I replied her note with this statement and slowly she started to talk to me & accept my presents & phone calls. I know that the person she loves is not me. But I have this perseverance that one day I will make her like me. Within 4 mths, I have declared my love for her no less than 20 times. Every time, she will divert away from the topic. But I never give up. If I decide I want her to be mine, I will definitely use all means to win her over. I can't remember how many times I have declared my love to her. Although I know she will try to divert but I still bear a small ray of hope. Hoping that she will agree to me my girlfriend. I didn't hear any reply from her over the phone. I asked "what are you doing? How come you didn't want to reply?" She said, "I'm nodding my head". "Ah?" I couldn't believe my ears. "I'm nodding my head" She replied loudly. I hang up the phone, quickly changed and took a taxi and rush to her place & press her door bell. During the moment when she opens the door. I hugged her tightly. Leaf departure is because of Wind pursuit. Or because Tree didn't ask her to stay.
I really think I suck. Got high and all yesterday. Can't remember a single shit except how I came home. Until I checked my handphone and realized messages and calls were directed to -------. I puked my guts and intestines out last night. Then I took a cab home and I alighted at the main road and walk down the whole Charlton Rd barefooted. And I'm having a hangover. AND I dunno why I'm blogging. Gdbye. I'm going back to sleep
And so, the cycle repeats.
Anticipation and rapid heartbeats.
How would I know if you wouldn't tell me.
Y'know I prefer having Ajisen with you.
Y'know everything is about you and only you. So, why ask?
I'm gonna work soon. Didn't have the mood to go school today. So... I skipped school. Loser.