Osram Automotive Lighting event.
Pirates of Emerald Hill, 13th Annual Beach party. Tuborg.
At Kallang Stadium Carpark Motorcar event with Channelle.
The promoters who were really nice to give me a cigg. It's new in Singapore and it's slimmer then Virginia Slims. The package's really small as you can see in the photo. It looks just like my Mom's lipstick case.
The ciggarette itself.
Mahjong after 3 rounds of hardcore drinking at Joey's house with my lover girl Mandy.
Seriously, I have no idea what is wrong with Blogger. Why the fuck can't I upload my fookin' pictures. I'll post the rest when I can finally upload the photos.
Mandy Girlfriend: As long as you're around. Everything's gonna be good. Nothing else really matters. Guys can be jerks sometimes. Nobody's gonna be able to replace you alright?! Let's rock on and party till we drop. (:
Okay, cool. Where in the whole universe is my damn pay?! Anyway, other than working or sleeping, I'm like having a vcd marathon at home. Being a couch potato that is. I've got so much to do later.
Heading to the gym and to swim at like 6.30am with Loon, come home to bathe, change and make-up. Then head back to my aunt's salon and do my hair, curl it or something. I don't know man. What should I do to it?! Okay, back to the point. I've gotta head down to suntec alone for some fitting for Big Bike Fest. AWWWW. ): Then I'll rush down to Fort Canning for the Osram Automotive Lighting Event by 5pm.
Fuiyoh. Clare's gonna be such a busy lil girl. Anyway, thanks Boyfriend. For picking me up from work and driving me home. And yeah, I'm sorry about that. Even though you said not to worry about it. But yeah. Loves.
I hate the hols. It's so freaking boring. All I do is to sleep in till really late or work. And I'm sucha fucking spendthrift I'm so pissed with myself. I take cabs at least 10 times in a freaking week. Pfffft.
Chiaying: You better meet me soon before I rot till death.
MANDYTEO: So sian sian right now go where go orchard ok ok orchard orchard la. I'm sorry I always reject you when you ask me to ZOUK okay. You effing petty bitch. :D Let's not club, let's just chillax and play mahjong.
Xueli: Hey sweet, I soooo wanna fuck you hard now. Really. I'll get a sexy outfit for you.
OMG, where's my baby?! He better drive safely. Okays, 'nuff said. Bye
It's amazing how I can remember my blogger password but not my email's. I forgot again. Pray that the auto sign in thingy doesn't prank on me. I think ima retard.
Mom's a serious cranky piece of shit now and I have no idea why. She rants on and on for no damn reason and starts nagging about everything! No really, everything.
Yayness. It's the start of my hols and I have really NO idea what to do. Yeah, except work and sleep and try getting slots for my driving thingy. Holidays officially kicked off last Friday which was 31st Aug.
Went back to Chung Cheng with Fred & gang like super duper early in the morning. Side-tracking a lil, I didn't freaking sleep for that whole week man. Was mugging my ass off for Contract Law. Mainly because I know my Criminal Procedure would be like.. fuck?
Okay anyway, we went back soooo early just to sing that damn school song. Kinda worked from 8pm till 12am before heading over to Kenneth's house for his bday celebration.
Didn't see those guys since like the day we collected our O level results. That's like 2 years boy. Well, time flies. How corny is that. Yeah so, early morning of 1st Sept.
Thanks to my fantastic idea for playing Circle of Death. Almost everyone was gone. So were the bottles of Vodka and Bacardi.I have no idea why is he so happy after forcing tons of alcohol down our throats. Fuiyoh, lucky I'm strong enough =D So strong that we could drive our way back to Chung Cheng. It was just a random idea to. Anyway, Aurick's not categorized under strong that night. Fwahahaha.
Yeah, I've yet to say Happy B'day hun. Actually I did. But I didn't know whether you're sober enough to decipher what I said. So yeah.
That's about it for that night. Went shopping yesterday or more like the day before and bought hell lotsa stuff. Actually no. Just spent hell lotsa money. I'm broke ): Went for Law Inc Exco's bbq just now or more like yesterday. My timing's screwed. Okay anyway, that's Sharyl and me. Love you babe.
I have nothing better to do. So I'll like mug for basic theory which is in 12 hours time. Make sure I'll get full marks or something. At least not fail 3 times. ( OOOPS irwin =x )