Tuesday, May 15, 2007 ♥
i know it's been a long time since i've updated. heh. i'm sorry! anyway. i'm not gonna blog about the shanghai trip anymore. just random pictures here and there in between 'daily' posts. it's kinda inconvenient as there are some scumbags bitching around about some stuff. we all know who they are.
alrighto. sooo. school is darn tiring. i've lotsa work to complete and i've been burying my head into that deep pile of crap almost every night. and it seems never ending. oh well. i guess that's just part of the whole darn diploma.
my birthday's like tmr?! haha. oh god. i've so many photos to post. from some of my shoots, the outing with my abang angkats. and of cos not forgetting ma boys (my 2 law seniors). the alumni, the senior and the junior. now now, where's the freshie?
BUT. blogger's so screwed photos cant be uploaded. or is it me?
anyway, this is just a random filler post.
i'll still love you guys the same. haha!
-back to burying her head into that deep pile of crap-
Wednesday, May 02, 2007 ♥
okay. i went for texas racequeen casting.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007 ♥
i think. i need rest. the whole world is falling down on me. yet again.