Saturday, April 28, 2007 ♥
3rd day:
hmmm. according to my photos, we visited SSIS. singapore-suzhou international school. i swear the kids are friggin violent.
proceeded on to a factory outlet store where we only had 1/2hr to shop. like omfg. shop what shit. so i ended up with a pair or levi's ladies style.
*eye bags gettin worse everyday*
my lecturer's cute!

on our way there we saw.. animals awaiting their fate.
pigs and..
the start of day 2:
i had only 2 hours of slp! omg. start of serious business

taken on the coach
this is freaking boring LAH
my groupmates trying their best to be serious
after the forum. that's edwin (another drinking kaki!)
erm. almost all of us gathers together every night.
that's iris. my very very nice partner in GC. loves* (:
lunch at some sophisticated-looking restaurant
tv01 - 2007! rocks!
haa. idiots.
so iris & me joined in.
eh. whatever. 

oh! i received a flower. heh(:
went on to APP. omg. i've got so many tissues from there.
while waitin for dinner
emo eh.
i had only 2 hours of slp! omg. start of serious business
taken on the coach

that's iris. my very very nice partner in GC. loves* (:

went on to APP. omg. i've got so many tissues from there.
while waitin for dinner
emo eh.
Sunday, April 22, 2007 ♥
yeah. i know i'm being a bummer for not updating my blog. lotsa stuff happened during this period of time. now, where should i start? firstly, i've got a better guy which also obviously means that i've broke up with him. now now. i dont really care how others think about this. think i'm fickle-minded, i'm not faithful, imma flirt. whatever i live up to my own conscience, that's what matters. ain't it?
why should i torture myself sticking with someone whom doesn't know how to appreciate me or cherish me or whatsoever me? after all the time & effort & money i've committed into the r/s? after all the sacrifices i've made? after losing almost all of my friends, my social life? at the end of the day, i've got nothing back. not even being loved. or in other words, i cant feel that i'm being loved.
so, to you, this the end of everything. i dont care how you think or what you're gonna tell anyone else. i'll repeat this for the last time. the reason why i'll consider ANY other guy is bcos you're not good enough. i don't care if i'm being harsh here or whether i hurt your feelings or whether i broke your fuckin heart. cos mine was broken for so many times till the extent i dont feel pain when i let go. all i felt was relief. yes, a sense of relief. i know i dont have to report to you what i'm doing every now and then, receive a single question mark as a msg, i dont have to waste my money takin cabs down to your house just to watch fuckin tv with you/ watching you sleep and then take a cab back home again. it's freakin stupid and bloody unfair to me. you mean you didn't know? think about it. when was the last time we went out and catch a movie or walk around like any normal couple? all you did was to lie on your sofa and wait for me to appear at your doorstep. all the excuses i heard was 'i'm tired' 'i'm too lazy to go out' 'no money go out for what' 'go out so sian nothing to do'. 2 words. FUCKED UP. i thought you would mature after all our talks about how i feel you're takin me for granted and stuff like that. but time and again. i was disappointed. tell me what's the bloody freakin point for me to hang on to sucha r/s? hangin onto a thin thread of hope that you'll change for the better soon. sorry. i can't. not anymore. period. history will always remain as history.
so now, pictures taken in shanghai. some are editted, some are not =x imma bummer remember? alright. i'll try to do it day by day okay? haa
day 1 - suzhou
1/2 hr before i left my hse
at singapore's airport
my room mate whose room mate is always not in the room
the end of the first day
1st night: 5-10 in hotel room. 4 of us finished one bottle of baileys which of course me and glenn drank the most. went out of the hotel in our shorts. it was freezin 5 degrees. haa! slept for.....maybe 2 hours?
p.s: will update about the other days tml. =) take it slowly eh