Saturday, March 31, 2007 ♥
I'm gonna remember you
You're gonna remember me
I'm gonna remember you
You're gonna remember me
I saw you with your new girl just yesterday
And I feel that I must confess
Even though it kills me to have to say
I'll admit that I was impressed
Physically just short of perfection
Gotta commend you on your selection
Though I know I shouldn't be concerned
In the back of my mind
I can't help but question
Does she rub you feet
When you've had a long day
Scratch your scalp
When you take out your braids
Does she know that you like to
Play PS2 till 6 in the morning
Like I do
I can't explain this feeling
I think about it everyday
And even though we've moved on
It gets so hard to walk away
I can't forget how we used to be
Our life from day to day
Hoping maybe you'll come back
And though I tell myself not to be afraid
To move on but it seems I can't
But no other man has given me attention
It ain't the same as your affection
Though I know I should be content
In the back of my mind
I can't help but question
Does he kiss me on the forehead
Before we play
Show up on my doorstep
with a bouquet
Does he call me in the middle of the day
It's okay
Just to say hey baby I love you
Like you used to
I can't explain this feeling
I think about it everyday
And even though we've moved on
It gets so hard to walk away
She'll never love you like I do
Every girl dreams that oneday she will find a boy that does these things for her. even the smallest action can have the BIGGEST impact in someone's life.
• give her one of your t-shirts to sleep in.
• leave her cute text notes.
• kiss her in front of your friends.
• tell her she looks beautiful.
• look into her eyes when you talk toher.
• let her mess with your hair.
• touch her hair.
• just walk around with her.
• forgive her for her mistakes.
• look at her like she's the only girl you see.
• tickle her even when she says stop.
• hold her hand when you`re around your friends.
• when she starts swearing at you, tellher you love her.
• let her fall asleep in your arms.
• get her mad, then kiss her.
• tease her and let her tease you back.
• stay up all night with her when she's sick.
• watch her favorite movie with her.
• kiss her forehead.
• give her the world.
• write her letters.
• let her wear your clothes.
• when she's sad, hang out with her.
• let her know she's important.
• let her take all the photos she wants of you.
• kiss her in the pouring rain.
• when you fall in love with her, tell her.
• and when you tell her, love her like you've never loved someone before
someone do all these for me!
• give her one of your t-shirts to sleep in.
• leave her cute text notes.
• kiss her in front of your friends.
• tell her she looks beautiful.
• look into her eyes when you talk toher.
• let her mess with your hair.
• touch her hair.
• just walk around with her.
• forgive her for her mistakes.
• look at her like she's the only girl you see.
• tickle her even when she says stop.
• hold her hand when you`re around your friends.
• when she starts swearing at you, tellher you love her.
• let her fall asleep in your arms.
• get her mad, then kiss her.
• tease her and let her tease you back.
• stay up all night with her when she's sick.
• watch her favorite movie with her.
• kiss her forehead.
• give her the world.
• write her letters.
• let her wear your clothes.
• when she's sad, hang out with her.
• let her know she's important.
• let her take all the photos she wants of you.
• kiss her in the pouring rain.
• when you fall in love with her, tell her.
• and when you tell her, love her like you've never loved someone before
someone do all these for me!
Friday, March 30, 2007 ♥
and if anyone's wondering wth mandy is. that's her. taken while overnight mahjong-ing

Thursday, March 29, 2007 ♥
alrightey. pictures do the talking aight?
IT show @ suntec :

my very very beautiful eye. haha.
yup, so overall the job was tiring but the pay's satisfying. why not?
right. i'll post more photos on other stuff soon. oh ya, i'm goin to shanghai with my sch from apr 1-8. so msg my other number during that period of time. friends whom have no idea i have 2 lines can get the other number from me. =)
Wednesday, March 28, 2007 ♥
i'll update soon. just changed my blogskin. sorry guys. HAHA